
Operational Programme funded by the ERDF 2014/2020 AXIS 6

Tortosa, along its 2.000 years of existency, has seen different people and cultures that have made it their own, living a valuable legacy. The Ebro river, the heart of the ciyt, saw Dertosa born, roman city and important commercial port. It was also witness to the 400 years of the muslim rule, where Turtuxa, «The Distant», became an urban referent in northern Al-Andalus. From 1148 with the Christian conquest, the medieval town was consolidating until the 16th century saw the splendour of the Renaissance.

The Operational Programme ERDF 2014/2020- Axis 6 «Dertosa-Turtuxa-Tortosa: a city, three names and 2000 years» aims to recover and connect the vestiges left in this rich and multicural past in order to financially dynamize the city through its commitment to cultural tourism. The project consists of four related actions, with the idea of protecting and betting on the city’s heritage , which aims to consolidate Tortosa’s old quarter as an economic and social engine. The ending period for the actions is foreseen for December 2021.

The total budget of the operation ascends to 4.670.759,62€, VAT included. Of this amount, the European Union contributes with 1.820.694,86€ through the OP ERDF 2014/2020 AXIS 6. In addition, the operation also includes subsidies form the Generalitat de Catalunya, which participates in the project Tortosa Level_0 with 470.309,91€, through PINCAT program, and the action of The Walk of the cultures with 308.253,75€ granted by the Tourism development plan, in 2018. Diputació de Tarragona allocates 94.042,50 € and 66.892,75 € for Passeig de les Cultures and The Three Cultures House respectively through PAM. Finally, the municipal contribution is 1.910.565,85€ representing 40.9% of the total operation.


  • Position the city of Tortosa as the main cultural, historical, patrimonial and touristic reference of Terres de l’Ebre.

  • Promote cultural and sustainable tourism.

  • Dynamize Tortosa’s Old town to consolidate it as a focus of economic activities and social actions.

  • Preserve and valorize on the city’s architectural, monumental, scenic and natural heritage.

  • Connect urbanistically the different poles of attraction highlighted by the four actions that make up the operation.


In order to achieve the objectives set out in this proposal, the operation «Dertosa-Turtuxa-Tortosa: a city, three names and 2000 years» proposes and executes four actions aimed at creating a diversified cultural tourism offer capable of boossting ecenomically the city.

Tortosa Level_0

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The Walking Tour of Cultures

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The House of the three Cultures

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The Ebro's light

Mapping on the façade of the Cathedral

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